A new site was opened recently to help all you Nussentials or network marketing newbies. You can follow along each day's lesson, do the "homework" and start your business off on the right foot. After all the prep work, Nussentials Success Secrets (NSS) will introduce new concepts in network marketing that use the Internet as a prospecting tool and will bring in hot leads, pre-qualified as people who want to know more about working from home.
They also offer RSS feeds via email or a feed-reader, so you can bring the info right to your inbox. Listen, they know that starting and running a home based business is work, so for all you busy "homebodies", have the posts delivered right to your email so you never have to remember to go look for the next lesson.
So, take a couple of minutes and check out the new site, subscribe to the blog with email or your RSS reader, drop the author a note, offer a suggestion, ask a question or voice an opinion. I would love to hear from you!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Nussentials Success Secrets Site Offers Step-By-Step Success
Posted by
Cenay Nailor
12:08 PM
Tags: business opportunity, network marketing, nussentials, nussentials business opportunity, work from home
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Infiniti Team For Nussentials Now Offers FeedBurner Feeds
Here at Infiniti Team, we are trying to make it easier for you to stay up on the news from the team. Don't have time to check it daily? Just subscribe via email, and any new posts will come right to your inbox. Prefer to use a Feed Reader like Google, Firefox's Live Bookmarks, Bloglines, Yahoo, etc., no problem.
You may subscribe via your standard Feed Reader (Google, Gator, FireFox LiveBookmarks, etc) or via email by selecting the appropriate link to the right. Please note: If you select the email option, you will have to "validate" your email address.
I encourage you to subscribe to one so you don't miss an important announcement or post.
Posted by
Cenay Nailor
9:54 PM
Tags: business opportunity, feedburner, nussentials, team announcements
Memory Jogger - See How Many People YOU Know
Reprinted with permission from Nussentials Success Secrets
It doesn’t matter how many leads we generate with technology, at the end of the day, you are still going to have to make some calls. You might think you don’t know enough people to get started, or be concerned that those you do know won’t be interested. Well, you can stop right there. I can help you come up with a pretty impressive list of people you know, that you don’t know you know. (Whew, I wouldn’t want to say that three times in a row)
You might be asking yourself, when is she gonna get to the good stuff? I want to generate my own pre-qualified-smoking-hot-leads now! Patience. Internet leads done right, take time to cultivate and educate. You want to be successful, right? Then trust me and start gathering customers and representatives for your team now, so the out of pocket expenses of products aren’t a burden on you while you put your Internet campaign together.
Okay, back to the Memory Jogger. This list is designed to help you remember everyone you know. Don’t do any “pre-sorting” now about their interest or potential interest, just make the list of people. Besides, it is not your place to decide for them. You are doing them a disservice. What if “Suzie” no longer is a successful stylist or is looking to start working from home because she now needs to care for her grandfather? You might miss out on a great business builder who is motivated to work from home if you presort. Okay, I’ll stop nagging now, and get to the list. Printer is plugged in? Got paper? Here you go:
Instructions for use:
Print out the main list. With either pen and paper or your favorite word processor/file editor, start adding names to your blank page. I recommend a word processor so you can sort the list later to see if you have any duplicates. You don’t want to waste time looking to see if you already added Uncle Bob (because he is bald) when you get to the Most trustworthy section. Just add the names, sort and file later. With me so far? If you see a category that you think doesn’t apply to you (like Bowling team), take a moment and try to recall if you know anyone who does bowl. While you might not bowl, you probably know someone that does. Take a least a few seconds “scanning” your brain for each category, more if you came up with 2 or more names.
Memory Jogger
Across the street
Always giving parties
Apartment Manager
Avon Lady
Bald Headed
Bank Tellers
Baseball Team
Basketball team
Best dressed
Best man
Best personality
Best salesman
Best smile
Blond hair
Bought car from you
Bowling league
Bus Driver
Busy Person
Car repair
Christmas card list
Church directory
College annuals
College coach
Cowboy hat
College students
Confident people
Dance class/teacher
Day care center
Debate team
Deep voice
Does odd jobs
downsized/laid off/fired
Drives Cadillac
Drives Dodge
Drives Ford
Drives Chevy
Dry Cleaners
Eat out with
Eye Glasses
Family who likes to work together
Fast Food Employees
Finger nail technician
Former Church
Former Neighbors
Furniture salesman
Goal oriented people
Grocery store checker/employee
Has a dangerous job
Has a pick up truck
Has expensive taste
High Achievers
High School annuals
High School
High self esteem
High voice
Home address book
In another city
In laws
In management
Just had a baby
Just married
Likes to camp
Lion’s club
Little League
Mini-mart/gas station
Most integrity
Most likely to succeed
Most outgoing
Most popular
Most successful people you know
Most trustworthy
Mothers who would to stay home with their children
Music Lessons
Natural leaders
Needs more money
Neighbors on the left
Neighbors on the right
New car
Office skills
On a diet
On the corner
Optimist club
Out of state
Owns a restaurant
Parent’s friends
Parent’s neighbors
Pay too much in taxes
People in debt
People looking forward to retirement
People who are in clubs of any kind
People who like a challenge
People who like helping charities
People who love people
People who love to learn new things
People who own small businesses
People who still know how to dream
People who want more for their family
People who would like to work for themselves
People with good organization skills
Pilot/airline employee
Play cards with
Player’s parents
Plays an instrument
Positive thinking people
Public speaking skills
Quit smoking
Recent promotion
Red head
Ride the bus
Rotary club
runs/works in a beauty shop
School principal
School reunions
Self motivated people
Sells cars for a living
Sells flowers
Sells insurance
Senior citizen
Single Dad
Single Mom
Soccer Moms
Sold you a car
Son/Daughter just married
Spa or health club
Speech class
Step children
Taxi driver
Teachable people
Team concept people
Tells jokes
Those who are under insured
Those who are un-insurable
Those who are uninsured
Track team
Vacationed with
Wears a beard
Wedding list
Wedding photographer
Where you grew up
Who do you call if you need help
Work out with
Works a second job
Works for the city
Works for the state
Works in MLM now
Works in sales now
Works nights
Works shifts
Works weekends
Security person
Your teachers
If, after spending some time on this list, you only come up with two or three names, you might need to get out more.
I was sure it was obvious, but just in case… cut and paste the list shown above into a Word document (or something similar) or just print it out. Start making your list of people who come to mind when you read each “jogger”. Later, you can “presort” each name into a set of categories like “Business Opt” and “Products” or “Need More Info” and “Visit This Week”. Remember, this list is of people you already know, and might be interested in hearing what you are doing now.
Posted by
Cenay Nailor
8:31 PM
Tags: network marketing, nussentials, nussentials business opportunity, prospecting
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Announcement: Nussentials Prospecting Is Now More Personal
In a continuing effort to improve our lead generation results, Team Infiniti just released a new set of personalized landing pages that list YOUR NAME on the page.
Our prospects are responding better to the fact that there is a real person on the other end of the offer, not just a replicated web site. So now, when the page is displayed, the next "member" of the ad rotation is preselected and your name, email and other contact information is displayed.
I am seeing consistent improvement in the CTR and CTA numbers as we make these changes. Remember that I am open to suggestions for improvement, so feel free to drop me a line or leave a comment here.
Posted by
Cenay Nailor
11:50 PM
Tags: capture page, landing page, mlm lead generation, mlm leads, nussentials business opportunity
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Announcement: Team Infiniti's Online Marketing Just Got Better
Of course, we didn't have a choice.
Recent problems with our hosting company forced us to upgrade our database technology to SQL Server. Three days on the phone with tech support, and this was the best answer they could provide about why our marketing site would just "die" and then come back a couple hours later.
Here's the good news.
I have successfully built the database, rewritten all the ASP pages to use the new database and even added about 3 more pages. I have moved all the leads each of you has received as a result of the marketing campaigns and even improved the detail we capture from the prospect, such as the date they toured the site. I have plans to add a new field of data to the capture process, asking them what their "burning need" is. This should help us determine if they are a good fit for the Nussentials business opportunity.
As one of the only Nussentials teams using the Internet to generate our own leads, we are blazing a trail that I hope others will follow.
Look for a new page in the members only area in the next few days that will allow you to see the prospects that have been assigned to you, and where they are in the marketing pipeline process.
Posted by
Cenay Nailor
11:23 PM
Tags: mlm lead generation, mlm leads, nussentials, nussentials business opportunity, selling an mlm opportunity