As many of you know by now, Nussentials product RESTORE! and MULTI! have made a real difference in lives of my family and I. Twice now, Nussentials has been a gift from God.
First, my Mom...
A 35+ year diabetic with chronic blood sugar issues. She lost the feeling in her feet more than 10 years ago. After just a few short months on MORE!, the feeling has returned to her feet and her blood sugar is stable for the first time in 35 years. I wrote about her story on my HubPages account, which you can see here:
Then, Perthes Disease snuck up and attacked my 3 year old granddaughter. Perthes is a degenerative bone disease that attacks the hips. Inadequate blood flow literally "kills" the hip bone. In X-Ray's, her's looked like moth's had been eating on the ball part of her hip sockets. She was in terrible pain, unable to walk to the bathroom or up the stairs. Her cry's filled the house. Then Nussentials came out with RESTORE! and we started spiking her juice. In just a short time, she is laughing and playing again. I made a video to sorta "tell" that story. You can see this short clip above. (It's only 2 minutes, so take a little time, turn off the radio, stereo and TV and give a listen)
For those of you who are interested, you may "embed" this video anywhere you like. Your MySpace profile, comments to friends, in an email, on your personal web page, whereever. Be sure to provide a link below the video that tells people where to order the product. This video is touching and creates an emotional response. If the person viewing the video has, or knows someone who has Arthritis, Joint Pain or Perthes, they need to be able to order it while they are thinking about it.
Please let me know if I can do anything to help with these tasks. I am considering making a video that details how to "embed" such a video on a web page, comment, or MySpace profile... if there is any interest...